Wednesday, November 19, 2008

google apps

Hafa Adai Everyone!

The Google Apps is a valuable tool to share and collaborate with other university students from around the world. You are able to connect on educational ideas, resources, activities and events that students are involved in. Thanks Dr. Cyrus!

David Gofigan ED446G

Note: The technology and I are getting to know each other. I am learning and practicing!


Lolita said...

Hi David,
WOW! The low tech device you've demonstrated is quite awesome. I am quite interested on purchasing the device and would recommend for people with disabilities and non disabled people. I also recommend Snappy Dresser which is a wonderful low tech device that assist people with disabilities or a non disable person as a personal aide for dressing zippers or shoes. Check out the website. Lolita

Jeff said...

I really enjoyed the igoogle as well. It was so convenient to have everything I wanted at the click of the mouse. I am not very technologicall sound but I am getting there!