ReadPlease – Lenith Atienza
Readplease is free to download into anyone’s computer. All you have to do is either type directly on the screen or copy and paste documents that you would like the system to read a loud. The speed, font size and the person talking are changeable. To get your free download go to http://www.readplease.com/
I recommend this technology to individuals who are visually impaired, deaf and are auditory learners. ESL students can also benefit from this software in which they can learn the proper pronunciation of words. Aside from what I mentioned, how else can we maximize the use of this free software?
Well this software can be useful for young children who are learning the basics of language. Having the words in large print and being read to them can reinforce what they are reading and learning. It can teach them the proper pronunciation of words.
Hey Lenith!
I thought this "device" was awesome! i went home and actually played with it for a while. I also think that it can be really beneficial for children who need this kind of repetition and audio learning.
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