Tic Tac Toe Wooden Board Game
Manufactured by Worldwide
1. Divide a class into (x’s) and (o’s), and come up with a question for each nine spots on the board. In order to move, the team has to get the correct answer first.
2. You can use the board to review vocabulary words and concepts and can be easily adaptable into any subject area.
3. When students are finished with their independent seat work, give them the game as a reinforcer.
4. When student gives a correct response in Direct Instruction Program (Reading Mastery, Language for Learning and Distar Math), they will gain one chip and then at the end they can play with the game.
5. Teaches them to take turns and to share – Helps develop their social skills.
6. Improves their Math Skills such as Patterning.
7. Helps to develop fine motor skills.
You can purchase similar wooden game at
http://www.heritagetoys.com/Tic-Tac-Toe-Wooden-Board-Game-Small-pr-17258.html Price: $9.95
What other ways can you use a low tech device such as the Tic Tac Toe for children with special needs?
1 comment:
Hafa Adai Aunt Loling,
Thank you for sharing the device! This device would be great for building fine motor skills, games, creative and interactive learning, team building and other cooperative learning activities. I would interchange the pieces with color patterns, pictures, words, and other meaningful and motivating learning.
Si Yuos Ma'ase,
David G.
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