Saturday, September 27, 2008

Question: Adaptive Assistive Technology

Students who require Assistive Technology Devices are given at whatever means necessary, those devices to assist them in their educational lives, whether it be from low tech to high tech. It is the responsibility of the team, to ensure that the student has the appropriate device. A student who has a disability and a device needed to enhance their education will have the opportunity to use the device at the school, my question is: Who's responsibility is it to ensure that the home environment is conducive to the AT Device that the child will be using if the child needs the AT Device at home, more so for the low income families?


ellie said...

Depending on the situation if it is a physical disability then it is the medical field's responsibility. If it is academic wise then it is the school's job to ensure that the child's needs are met in fulfilling their goals and objectives. Therefore if the teacher is sending home work and the device is needed then it is their job to ensure that the device is accesible.

Lolita said...

Because it is in the child's IEP it would be the school's responsibility and GPSS Assistive Technology to ensure that a device is provided at home and at school.

Welcome to Lois' HafaBlog said...

Hi Helene,
When AT is being recommended in the IEP, then the team must decide on who is responsible for providing the AT device. Usually, it's GPSS. Even though the AT device is meant for the disabled, they must ask themselves if the disabled can manipulate the device. Teachers, also must be careful when giving homework. They should find out if the home environment have the tools necessary to complete the homework. Collaboration between the home and the school is important for matters such as this. Lois

Jeff said...

Good question..
I think there should be a collaboration between the family, community, school system, and the medical field. I know this does not always happen but it would be ideal in my opionion.

Joniree Calvo said...

I feel that both the family and the school should work together to ensure that the child's IEP goals and objectives are being met.

Pat Quitugua said...

I believe ultimately the responsibility lies with the parents...but i do believe there exist an agency that helps parents in this particular area...I'm not sure but it's worth researching...If i get more infor i will post a comment again...

By. pat Quitugua

Jacqui Cyrus said...

We have been given some frameworks with which to pose pertinent questions for the individual, the environment, and the task at hand. Knowing, first, what the individual is able to do will dictate the task, which environment is appropriate and then which device will suffice. It seems to me that both parents and educators will need to take responsibility for ensuring the proper device for the task.
