Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lou Alonso's Blog/ePortfolio

Hi everyone. As I send to you my new found knowledge in my blog, please help me by answering this QUESTION: WHAT MAKES A DEVICE OR AN EQUIPMENT DIGITAL?

Here now is the URL for your review:


Matsue said...

Hafa adai Senora Alonso, let me try to answer your question.. I think digital has LED.. it is controlled by digital components that utilize the digital..high stage and low stages.. high stage is voltage and low stage is zero.. with no voltage.. and the voltage is going fast to control things.. example: laptop, cellphone, ipod, etc.. almost many things nowadays are digital. Lou.. I am not sure but I did my best to answer your question.. I could be wrong.. I cant wait to know others answer to your question.. take care of yourself..

lgrigley said...

Hi Lou,
How are you doing? Hope everything okay with you and your family.

Here's the answer to your questions. Assistive technology or technology in general becomes digital when it's powered by electricity, battery or any source of power. Is that good enough? My answer is short and precise?